Adventures in the Kitchen with Michelle, DIY Limoncello


Summer is here, and it’s time for some summer libation ! One of my recent loves is Limoncello. It’s just so good. Add it to iced tea for your best ‘Arnold Palmer’ ever! My brand of choice is just sweet enough, but not gooey sweet – some can be like a ‘lemon schnapps’ – yuck! The thing that makes limoncello different is that it’s made from the peels or zest of the fruit, not the sour juice. I’ve been buying it for years and one day got a bug in my bonnet to see what’s in the stuff. What I found was mainly, ‘mystery grain alcohol’ and Food Dye #5, and of course lemon peels. Well, after a bit more research I discovered that one of my favorite Italian cooks makes her own. ‘gasp’ – Giada, I love you even more!! Yes, I buy her cookbooks and used to watch her shows, because I have rarely been disappointed by her recipes and tips. Everything tastes wonderful and is really pretty healthy. When I read the reviews of her recipe I couldn’t wait to try it. Once you read this, you’ll be doing it too.

DIY Limoncello : making it Top Shelf

Step 1:

Gather up…

IngredientsA 2qt glass pitcher.

1 – 750ml Bottle of Vodka (no mystery here – I’m using the good stuff)

10 Lemons (these local lemons were so good)

3 1/2 Cups Water*

2 1/2 Cups Sugar*

You’ll need this later for a simple syrup. But it still makes the ‘ingredient’ list.

Step 2:

Wash those lemons!

Step 2

Dawn and hot water will melt off the wax…and pesticides. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the zest off the lemons. Try not to get the bitter pith underneath.

Step 3:

Step 3

Load the peels into the pitcher (not really a step, but I like this pic)

Step 4:

step 4

Pour the vodka over the peels, lid tightly, and set aside to steep for 4 days

Step 5:

step 5…and later that week. Make the simple syrup by heating the water and sugar to dissolve. Let it cool to room temp and add to the pitcher.

Step 6:

step 6

Let the sugar/water and lemon peel mixture steep at room temp overnight. Just look at that color ! Who needs Food Dye #5 !!?

Step 7:

Step 7

Strain out the peels and bottle. I got two 750 ml bottles out of my batch. I found that a glass bottle of sparkling water made for a great re-use, as well as my empty bottle of store-bought limoncello.

FinaleI had just a shot of my store bought variety leftover to compare mine to, and I actually like mine better. The DIY version has a much more fresh and clean lemony taste…not so much ‘lemon Pledge’. Since it’s made with relatively good vodka, I know I won’t be left with a massive headache in the morning! I checked a site devoted to this summer sipping syrup (, and he used finely grated zest and let it ferment/steep in Everclear for 45 days, and double filtered it…! What?! Everclear? Oh, no – that stuff is reserved for Hunch-Punch and that’s it…or if you run out of gas in your car. What I really liked about his post, was seeing how he compared one brand against another and what makes a good limoncello. (To him anyway, he seems a bit obsessed – that’s ok, I get it)  I have to believe that mine would stack up nicely on his chart. I took a bottle to Perfect for a family picnic and it was a hit. I’m glad the recipe made 2 bottles. A day of Lemon Drops (lemon martinis) and it was a history. Everyone that tried it was impressed. The next day, I was floating in the pool with a glass of LaCroix mineral water and Limoncello. Refreshing, relaxing and sort of good for me? So, get some lemons and some patience and go for it! 

bottleMichelle Beal

Adventures in the Kitchen with Michelle, Another Cherry-Limeade Drink

Today I found a new love – another cherry-limeade wannabe. That’s ok, because this is a version done by one of my favorite healthy diet friends, LaCroix sparkling waters. It’s not a soft drink, or a diet soda. It’s a carbonated water tinged with natural fruit flavors. Zero calories, zero caffeine, zero sodium ! Why yes, I do add alcohol and bits of fruit to them! And it’s awesome! I love only spending my drink-calories on booze. 

This is really new and I’ve only just found it at Target. It wasn’t on sale, but I needed a treat. So, $4.39 for 8 – 12oz. cans, I’m all in. I found a lime, now where’d I put that vanilla rum?
Summer, here I come !!

La Croix

Adventures in the Kitchen with Michelle, Cherry-Limeade Jam

Finale 2

Years ago I fell in love with a drink. Not just any drink, the ubiquitous ‘Cherry-Limeade’ at Sonic. I knew from the first sip, I was done for! I could go there get a treat for my son and my own liquid candy bar with a straw. Only once did I venture into the realm of the frozen yogurt version. No, it was good, but there was something very clean and refreshing, while satisfyingly sweet about the original. Never the diet version – never – I do have standards. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one falling over themselves to get this mocktail (seriously – all it needs is rum). There are impostors all over the place. And no, it’s nothing like a ’Shirley Temple’ although, I do see the resemblance.  Lime and cherry…who knew.

 Where am I going with this, well if you know me, you know that I can be distracted easily. Like Dug, the dog in ‘Up’, there’s always a squirrel in my world. The other day I was looking for something to do with leftover pineapple. Hmm, how about a jam – I jar everything else, why not. Wait, what’s that link at the bottom of the page? (Squirrel!!) Lo-Sugar Cherry-Lime Jam, from Everyday Food ‘08 . Gasp! Could it be. Oh yeah! This is almost too easy. As I read the recipe, it was nice and simple, but it wasn’t jam. They used cornstarch as the thickener? It was pie filling. But it could be jam easily…and I’m just the gal to do it.

So let’s take that Martha recipe and turn it on it’s head, bringing that summer drink to our favorite breakfast (toast and yogurt). 

Oh, did I mention this is good for you?!  

Cherry-Limeade Jam

Step 1:

You’ll need:

Step 1, the ingredients

1/2 Cup Apple Juice
1/2 Cup Water
1 – 12oz bag Cherries, frozen (we don’t grow cherries here – and I can’t wait for them!)
1 Lime, to zest and juice
1/4 Cup + 1 Tbl Whey-Low Sweetener (or your choice – but make it healthy)
1-1/2 Tbl Lo-Sugar Pectin
And a couple of jars. This is a small recipe so I got a couple of my jars that I use for yogurt (the 4oz Ball jar), and one larger one from my more professional stash. I love the jars and lids from Fillmore Containers. They have a great selection, reasonable shipping and great service. Two thumbs up – they make my preserves look fabulous.

Speaking of containers, see that measuring cup from Anchor? I just got it from, of all places, the grocery store! It’s wonderful – beakers aren’t just for the lab anymore. Don’t pass it by.

Step 2:

Step 2

Get the cherries in the pot along with the liquids and get it cookin.
Get that lime zested, and juice it. (wash it first!)

ZestOhhh, can you smell that!?

Step 3:

Step 3

Add the zest to the pot along with the sweetener, and pectin. You may need to mash those cherries a bit.

This Low-Sugar variety has become a pantry staple there. It’s inexpensive and easy to use. Luv it!

Step 4:

Step 4

Let it simmer. Maybe 20 min. ?

Step 5:

step 5

Test the ‘gel’ to see if it’s ready.

Step 6:

Step 6

OK, so since it’s just a little bit (about 14oz), I’m just going to park it in the fridge. Since I didn’t sterilize these jars, they need to be warmed a bit with some hot tap water. 


Let it cool – park it in the fridge and tomorrow breakfast will be awesome! The taste isn’t like the cherry preserves you get at the store…this is Cherry-Limeade my friends! 

Finale 1I’ll bet you forgot that cherries are a super-food. They also have such a strong flavor that the lo-sugar makes it shine thru, with a little help from Mr.Lime. Feel free to warm some up and put it over a cup of vanilla fro-yo tonight. Speaking of warm, have you thought about it swirled into some hot-n steamy steel cut oats? Oh, yeah baby! An everyday treat. 

Michelle Beal