No Carrots at Christmas!

Yeah, that’s my motto at Christmas time. 

You know those fitness magazines that have all kinds of advice to keep those pounds off over the holidays.  Like eat a small meal before going to a Christmas party or filling up on carrots and celery from that holiday buffet…

That’s doo-doo. 

It’s the feasting season–time to overindulge.  It only comes once a year! And this year it only lasts 5 weeks.  I always gain 5 pounds over the holidays and I enjoy every ounce of it! Then I spend January getting rid of it.  Which I did this year but then I gained it back and then lost it and then gained it back…..  Those pesky five pounds.

I had a couple of ah-ha moments last weekend.

First was climbing that crazy observation tower. Observation tower

I admit to having a fear of very high places and was pretty sure I wouldn’t make it to the top of the platform so that wasn’t my “ah-ha” moment.  It was how bad I felt on Sunday. My calves were doing some major mooing from climbing about 35 of the 50 feet of that tower.  I thought WOW!  I’m really outta shape!

The second was when I was getting ready to go to a very nice brunch at a very nice country club with some very nice people.  I couldn’t get my very nice black capris zipped up. 

So……Monday morning I started on a NEW fitness and diet program.  (Note I didn’t start the program on Sunday–I wasn’t missing that brunch!) And maybe I’ll stick with it if I share it with you.  My goal is to get in better shape and lose ten pounds.  (Ten pounds so I can be ahead of the game for that Christmas buffet.)  I downloaded some apps to keep track of my calories and exercise, have new running shoes, stocked up on healthy food and started getting a little more exercise.

So on Fridays I’ll be sharing my new healthy and fit lifestyle.  I’ve done this before. I started a “Fit for Life” feature over two years ago based on the diet book but I seemed to have lost my way.  So I’m back at it. Every Friday I hope to have a different subject to cover. 

And I’m open to any advice you might have–other than eating carrots at Christmas!

Let's Go!
Let’s Go!


Diets and other meanderings…

I’ve never been a thin person.  But I’ve never been a fat one, either.  Just kinda in the middle and always attempting to lose five pounds.  (If I could just lose those five pounds I’m sure that I could solve all of the world’s problems and get back into that little black dress.)

And I also say NO CARROTS AT CHRISTMAS!  You will not see me eating salads at the party buffet.  I’m going for the chocolate encrusted anything along with a big helping of Tostitos and guacamole, thank you very much.

But then it’s the new year and time to lose the extra five pounds that I gave myself for Christmas.

Fortunately for me I actually do like carrots and most other vegetables. I really don’t like meat.  (In the interest of full disclosure, even though I’ve been involved in the whole chicken wing judging quest, I’m the one rating the restaurants on fries, poppers, service and atmosphere)   And I do not keep chips or chocolate anything in my house.  If they are here, I just eat the entire bag or container.  My theory is, might as well eat them now cause I’m just going to finish them up later!  And how many calories can my body actually absorb?

Plus I like to exercise.  Walking, bicycling, yoga, weight lifting and the occasional jog around the block.  So it shouldn’t be too difficult to lose at least five pounds, right?  I just gotta get back into the routine.  Because the only routine I’ve had for the last few months is cooking, baking and then eating.  (Some more disclosure, even though I refer to myself as a bad cook, I’m actually pretty good.  Certainly not as creative as Michelle but no one has ever turned down an invitation to a dinner or party at Perfect!)

So where am I going with all of this rambling….  The routine.  Gotta get back into it.  Gotta throw out all those cookies and chips.  Back to a healthy life style.

Starting today, I’m back at it!    I’ll let you know next Friday how successful I’ve been!

Let's Go
Let’s go for a run!