Yeah, that’s my motto at Christmas time.
You know those fitness magazines that have all kinds of advice to keep those pounds off over the holidays. Like eat a small meal before going to a Christmas party or filling up on carrots and celery from that holiday buffet…
That’s doo-doo.
It’s the feasting season–time to overindulge. It only comes once a year! And this year it only lasts 5 weeks. I always gain 5 pounds over the holidays and I enjoy every ounce of it! Then I spend January getting rid of it. Which I did this year but then I gained it back and then lost it and then gained it back….. Those pesky five pounds.
I had a couple of ah-ha moments last weekend.
First was climbing that crazy observation tower.
I admit to having a fear of very high places and was pretty sure I wouldn’t make it to the top of the platform so that wasn’t my “ah-ha” moment. It was how bad I felt on Sunday. My calves were doing some major mooing from climbing about 35 of the 50 feet of that tower. I thought WOW! I’m really outta shape!
The second was when I was getting ready to go to a very nice brunch at a very nice country club with some very nice people. I couldn’t get my very nice black capris zipped up.
So……Monday morning I started on a NEW fitness and diet program. (Note I didn’t start the program on Sunday–I wasn’t missing that brunch!) And maybe I’ll stick with it if I share it with you. My goal is to get in better shape and lose ten pounds. (Ten pounds so I can be ahead of the game for that Christmas buffet.) I downloaded some apps to keep track of my calories and exercise, have new running shoes, stocked up on healthy food and started getting a little more exercise.
So on Fridays I’ll be sharing my new healthy and fit lifestyle. I’ve done this before. I started a “Fit for Life” feature over two years ago based on the diet book but I seemed to have lost my way. So I’m back at it. Every Friday I hope to have a different subject to cover.
And I’m open to any advice you might have–other than eating carrots at Christmas!