Friday Meanderings

I know you are waiting impatiently for the results of the Homosassa Civic Club elections.


Of course, nobody was running against him!

Although before the meeting we believed that there would be at least one other candidate nominated from the floor.


Terry won!

Mr. President!

And Dennis Seibert won the treasurer spot.  Bill Perko returns as director.

Good news all the way around!

That was Monday night.  Wednesday night we had a meeting about RESTORING THE HOMOSASSA RIVER!

We had the leader and reps from “Save Crystal River” to give us advice.  Howard Miller from Gator Dredging that is running the project on Kings Bay was there to speak.  Chris Anas (can’t actually spell his name) from SWFMD was present along with Senator Simpson.  In addition Jeff Rogers and Randy Oliver from the county were there.  It was a GOOD meeting.

Senator Simpson said he is pushing for buckets of money to replace our worn out septic tanks and saving our springs.


Okay.  I’m writing this on Thursday evening at 6 pm.  Off to another meeting with the “Save the Homosassa River Alliance” in a few minutes.  We will be discussing last night’s meeting.


So what’s going on here in Homosassa?

It will be cold this weekend so there will be a few thousand manatees in the springs.  Just go to the Wildlife Park, pay the entrance, and go to the viewing station.  A few thousand.  Terry and I will be there on Saturday afternoon.

Next Friday, the 16th, is the CHRISTMAS GOLF CART PARADE!  We will be there with our new golf cart!

The 17th is the Christmas Outreach Program at the Civic Club.  Kids and Santa.  This is a REALLY COOL program.  The Civic Club has a party for all the kids.  With crafts, snacks and Santa hands out small gifts.  The important stuff happens behind the back door at the club.  We hand out gifts to the parents to put under the tree from Santa.

That night is the CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE!  Go stand at the Shed.  Perfect view of the parade.

If you check out Project 365 right here, I’m trying to catch up.

Suddenly my Internet blog problems seem to be gone!  Not trusting it just yet.  Maybe some of my issues were the changeover from Brighthouse to Spectrum.  Sure I’ll never find out. I haven’t added all my “plugins” back but happy things are working again!

Have a great weekend!


Sarasota Slim at MacRae’s

Sarasota Slim

Stopped by the The Shed at MacRae’s on Sunday afternoon.

Sarasota Slim

Because Sarasota Slim was there.

One of our favorite bands.

Sarasota Slim

And they were good, as usual.

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Sarasota Slim is a huge local favorite.  Usually there’s no parking, no place to sit, and long lines at the bar.

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Not so this time.  We usually ride our bikes but it was 91 degrees.  Even too hot for me.  Took the Jeep and immediately found good parking.

And a picnic table to sit at.

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Most of the patrons must have rode motorcycles because there were a lot of those! But still not as many as usual on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon.  With a great band.

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

The river wasn’t even busy and it’s still scallop season!

Sarasota Slim at MacRae's

Terry and I think that the masses must believe that Old Homosassa is closed due to the hurricane damage.  There’s been a lot of coverage in the newspaper and on TV.

Riverside is completely closed down and some of MacRae’s motel units are under repair.

But The Shed and the Bait House is open.  Old Mill Tavern is still serving drinks and food.  Haven’t been by the Freezer but I’m assuming it’s up and running.

Just wanted to let everyone know that most of Old Homosassa is still open for business!


Friday Meanderings

Kendall and Maggie

Busy week, right?

This is how I feel about now.

Kendall and Maggie

Kendall started texting me a couple of weeks ago about “when can I come up and it better be RIGHT NOW!.” Yeah, I think it’s really cool that the 8-year old is texting me.

So Kendall and Addison have been here for a few days.

The above pic was after an hour boat ride to the Springs, two hours of swimming, an hour back, showers to get rid of “Lu Poo” (if you live in Homosassa you know what I mean) and then a big crash. (Maggie did not go with us but she spent all that time worrying about us being out on the boat without her.)

Kendall, Maggie, me and grandpa all took a very long nap.  Addison toughed it out. And was still up at 10 pm. (Where does she get the energy????? and she must not really be related to the rest of us!)

Going to show you a video next week of Addison’s encounter with a manatee.  As soon as I figure out how to put the video on here.  Very cool!

Anyhow, what’s going on….

The Mullet Toss.  Saturday. All the money goes to the kids.  Terry and I are working (sweating) at the raffle table.

Monday.  The Meet and Greet.  (Postponed from June because of a tropical storm) The newspaper has advertised TWICE that there will be “light appetizers, wine, beer, and soda.”  Sheesh.  How did that make it into the paper? But we should have a good turnout! Get there early if you want any of the free food and drinks cause I only bought enough for 100!!!!!!!  

I’m sure that you will hear ALL about it next week!

If a hurricane doesn’t hit us before then. (Would that not be a message from a higher power?)


Have a great weekend!