Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

Mermaid Amanda and Piper

A couple of weeks ago when I posted about Alpaca Magic, USA, I stated that I would be posting the next week about other local places to take your guests, young and old.  

Dropped the ball on that one!

But I’m back.  

And I’m all about Weeki Wachee Springs State Park this week.

I take all my guests there, young and old.

The adults like the whole idea of the original roadside tourist attraction.  The first show opened in 1947.  Totally retro.


The girls–young and old–just love the idea of mermaids.    


After about the age of three, the boys are way too macho for mermaids but there is an animal show, boat ride and Buccaneer Bay.

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
The Slides
Just messing around in the water.
Animal Show.
boat ride
boat ride

So, this is one place all of my guests enjoy.

Warning, the water in Buccaneer Bay is 72 degrees!  Too cold for Piper!

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

The kiddie pool and the slides are only open during certain holidays and summer break.

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Dropped the ball here, too. Piper said she just wanted to see the mermaid show again. N o swimming. So grandma didn’t bring a swimming suit or towel. When will I learn?


The mermaid show is fun.  The doors are open 1/2 hour before showtime.  So you want to get there probably about 45 minutes early.  When you get in, get to the very center, right in front of the stage.  Well worth all those senior citizens that you knock over while you climb over the back of the seats with your impressionable young granddaughters with you. 

Because the little mermaid (after she gets her legs) and her prince will dance right in front of you.

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

Then the evil witch will jump out of the opening right over that sweet young couple and scare the b’jesus out of the granddaughters. Seriously worth knocking those people to get the perfect seat just to get a look at their terrified young faces. So far I haven’t been able to adequately capture that look of complete horror from those tiny little girls.

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

Then as soon as the show is over, you have to grab the hand of that small child and run–do not walk–to beat the line and meet the mermaid. She’s over by the gift shop.  Ignore that peacock even if that small child wants to know what it is.

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park

If anyone complains about the rushing, just say the kid has to throw up and we are on the way to the restroom. That gets those slow movers out of the way every time!

And it’s all worth it!

To be first in line.

For the mermaid cause she’s not all worn out form all those sweaty little girls asking questions! Like, why isn’t your hair wet and how exactly did you get here with no legs!


Mermaid Amanda and Piper

Yes.  We’ve been here a few times and got some coaching from our mermaid friends.

More advice.

In the summer, get there before 9 am when it opens.  When the park hits capacity, it closes.  Even if people leave, you aren’t getting in that morning.  Small children will cry. So much sadness.

Terry and I have an annual family pass to the State Parks.  That gets two of us in.  Then we have to pay for anyone over 6.  $5 for the 9-year-old.  If you are a veteran and have proof there is a 25% discount for the family pass.  This is substantial!

Okay.  Just in case you don’t know, Weeki Wachee is about 30 minutes south of Homosassa on US-19.  Can’t miss it.  

Maybe I’ll have another local place next week.  Maybe not.   I’m not dependable!

“Meet and Greet” honoring Senator Charlie Dean

Senator Charlie Dean


Event OVER!  The original date of June 6 for the “Meet and Greet” just happened to be the day that Tropical Storm Colin decided to hit Old Homosassa.  Lots of rain and wind.  Minor flooding, some tree damage.  

Of course, the “Meet and Greet” was cancelled.

Roger Cullin, Rosey Rendueles, and I have been preparing for this event for at least six months.  Although it seems like it’s been years.

And finally it happened Monday night.  It’s over.  Now I can get back to regular life.

And of course, I have pictures and commentary.

First, I want to show you the newly painted Homosassa Civic Club.  I wish I had a before photo of the 80’s burgundy valances, the horrendous mural painted on the wall, the nasty bookcase, the cheaply framed photos.  

But all I have are “afters”.

Homosassa Civic Club

Homosassa Civic Club
Those prints were already here but I reframed them. Such a difference.

Homosassa Civic Club

I still plan to make new up-to-date valances for the windows. The tables all need replaced because they are stained and just nasty but good sturdy tables are expensive so for now we keep tablecloths on them.  The art on this wall is all about the new “Working Waterfront” park.  Two prints of renderings made by local artists, Sheldon and Cleo Lydy.  

Homosassa Civic Club
The dessert table. We had even more appetizers on the tables that lined the other wall.

The Civic Club is a “non-political” community group so meetings or statements endorsing candidates can not be made but we can honor a politician.  This event was to honor Charlie Dean who lived in the area all of his life, was the Sheriff for 16 years, and then was in the Florida Senate.  Politicians may attend, they just can’t “politic”.

This meeting was also a way to get attention for the parks that the “Access to the River” committee has been working on.  

Senator Charlie Dean
Senator Charlie Dean
Wilton Simpson
That’s our new senator on the left, Wilton Simpson.
Justin Grabelle
Justin Grabelle, running for US Rep Rick Nugents seat.

Almost all of the sheriff candidates were there, along with a woman running for school board, and a few men running for County Commission.  Good time to get noticed!

Charlie Dean
Rodney MacRae spoke about his association with Charlie Dean.  That’s the president of the Civic Club, Jim Bitter, in the other chair.
Homosassa Civic Club
And Rodney presented a plaque to the retiring senator.

Then it was time to get to the REAL deal.  Roger Cullen and Rodney, co-chairs of the “Access to the River” committee, presented packages with details about the two parks to the senators and representatives.

"Meet and Greet" honoring Senator Charlie Dean
From left, Roger Cullen, Jimmy T. Smith, currently FL Representative but his district has been eliminated so he is now running for county commissioner, Dr. Ralph Massulo, running unopposed for FL Representative, Senator Wilton Simpson, Senator Charlie Dean, and Rodney MacRae.

So we did our bit. Glad it’s over. Time to get our parks!  

5th Annual Mullet Toss at Old Mill Tavern


We’ve been going to the Mullet Toss since it’s first year.  Spend about an hour.  Watch the mullet’s fly.  Have a couple beers. Laugh. Visit with friends. Go home.


ALL the proceeds go to Kids.  Kids organizations and the local school.  

This year we volunteered. First time.  We were assigned to work at the Silent Auction with Renee.

silent auction

No problemo.  This wasn’t our first volunteer event in Old Homosassa in the summer.

We brought chairs, cushions, a long extension cord, a fan.  

It was HOT.  

The Tampa weather guy says that it’s a few degrees more than normal.

96 degrees.  


From 10:30 am until 5 pm.

Sounds like I’m complaining.  Actually just trying to set the scene.  

We had a lot of fun.  Just hanging out.  I didn’t get many photos because we were far from the action.  We did have a great view of the toilet toss, though.  If you got a mullet in the toilet, you qualified to try to get the mullet in the toilet again and win $5,000.  

mullet toss into toilet
That’s the DJ from Citrus 95.3 that was emceeing the event.

$3.00 a toss.  Two for $5.00.

Phil Royal
And that’s Phil Royal. A captain with the Citrus County Sheriff’s Department. Also most likely our next Sheriff.

For $20 you get a t-shirt and two tries to toss the mullet for distance.

There are a lot of rules with mullet tossing.  Can’t step over the line.  Mullet has to stay in bound. Can not rub your hands in the dirt.  The mullet must be wet.

Official measurements are taken.

This is the first year that they had a “Hero’s Toss”.  The Sheriff’s Department against the Fire Department.



A lot of deputies were there.  Also a fire truck with firemen.  But the guys that were competing were off-duty.  Can you imagine going back to work smelling like a dead mullet?  Pulling one of our speeding golf carts over and the driver saying “why do I smell fish?”

The Deputies won. But by only 9 feet.

Mullet Toss

Jane Castor, the former police chief from Tampa also competed again. And won her division. Again.

So our job was pretty easy until 4:00 when the silent auction closed.

And then it was crazy cakes.  

Remember “Benny Hill”?  That’s how Terry, Renee, and I were running in circles.  

I don’t think anyone won the $5,000 for the toilet toss.  But there was that Benny Hill music going on, so who knows?

We already signed up to take over the Silent Auction next year.  Like I said, it’s for the kids.  A lot of good local people volunteer.  It’s great being part of that group.

Home. Two margaritas. A very long shower.  I cooled down. (And passed out.)