This post is for my friends, neighbors and anyone else that enjoys driving through Old Homosassa’s tree canopied streets.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I received an email regarding the proposed sidewalks on Yulee Drive.
From Fritz P. Smith,
“As discussed at the Yulee Drive Sidewalk Townhall Meeting conducted on July 31, 2014, a set of 60% complete plans will be available for review at the Citrus County Homosassa Library, 4100 South Grandmarch Avenue, Homosassa, FL 34446, beginning Monday, January 26, 2015 until Friday, February 13, 2015. Please direct any questions or requests for additional information to Walt Eastmond at 352-527-5446 or Walt.Eastmond@bocc.citrus.fl.
Terry and I went to the library on Friday to check out the 60% completed plans.
It took us a little while to understand the plans but once we caught on, we were able to follow the sidewalk route from Old Homosassa all the way out to 19. It followed exactly the route that was covered in the meeting back in July.
Then Terry and I started studying the Old Homosassa area. In the section where the old sidewalk ends through the area just past the Sugarmill Ruins, seven oak trees will be removed.
Seven very large oak trees. The very oak trees that provide our beautiful canopy.
I want the sidewalk but not at the expense of these trees.
Just to make sure we had it right, we went to the park area and checked out the trees.
If I understand the plans correctly, these are the two trees across from Bressler Ct.
By counting the other trees on this page, these are the three trees being removed.
And a closer view of those trees.
I would love to have sidewalks. But not at the expense of these trees.
These photos might be difficult to understand. If you haven’t checked out the plans at the library please do this week, they will only be there until this Friday, February 13. Let Mr. Eastmond know how you feel.
**** February 9, 2015
This is an update to my post from February 8, 2015, I have sent the following email to Walt Eastmond and our Commissioner Ron Kitchen
My husband and I went into the Homosassa Library on Friday to check out the 60% plans for the sidewalks in Yulee Drive. Then we followed up with a stop at the Sugarmill Ruins on Sunday to understand where the new sidewalk would run.
Good morning Mrs. Green – Thank you for your interest in the Yulee sidewalk project and taking the time to review the 60% plans and the site. We appreciate your comments and will forward them to our consultant preparing the plans.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional comments/concerns.
Walt Eastmond
Transportation Project Manager
Engineering Division
And Commissioner Kitchen sent an email an hour later,
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green,
Thank you for your concern for our community and for your well thought out comments. I am sure we will take what you say into consideration as the county continues with the planning process.
Thank you again,
Ron Kitchen
I feel better about the planning process but we should still stay on top of the issue!