Friday Meanderings

This was a beautiful week. Busy but beautiful.

Here’s a hawk that’s using my bird feeder as his bird feeder.




So, like I said.  This hawk is using my bird feeder for dinner.  Yesterday when I went out to fill up the feeder he was sitting on top of it and I had to chase him away.

Doves–you need to move to a new untended feeder!

This guy was actually watching a snake that was coiling around our deck. And I would show you pics but I promised a friend (from ND) that I would never put a snake snap on this site again. Because she’s terrified of them. Not that she actually reads the blog anymore.

But a promise is a promise.

So if you want to see the cool snake photos you’ll have to go to my other blog’s photo page,

I do have some nice shots of a Monarch Butterfly right here!

And an update on the stage for the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival–It’s done!  Just needs to be moved into place!

stage for the Homosassa ARts Crafts and Seafood Festival

So what’s up this weekend?

Sarasota Slim will be at the Shed on Sunday at 2 pm. Very cool band.

Besides that, we’ll be hanging out on the Nature Coast. It’s a laid back weekend for us!

Have a great weekend!


Old Homosassa Goes to Tallahassee

I usually don’t post on Tuesday anymore.  But…..this is kind of important.

We have two very active  groups that are tirelessly working on projects for the Homosassa River. I posted a picture on Friday of the group and I’d like to tell you a little more about the good works that these people are doing

A wee bit of history–two years ago, Roger Cullen formed the “Access to the River” committee.  Made up of members of the Homosassa Civic Club, The Homosassa River Alliance, and the Old Homosassa Heritage Council, the goal is to create a park on the Homosassa River.  Hard to believe, but there is no park on the river.

After the “Access to the River” group visited the Save Crystal River King’s Bay project, Steve and Cyndy Minguy created the non-profit, “Homosassa River Restoration Project”.  The goal is to restore the Homosassa River in the same method as the Crystal River group is doing.

save crystal river
Members of the “Access to the River” committee taking a tour of the “Save Crystal River” project

Both projects need state funding.

Last Wednesday members of these groups made the trip to Tallahassee to fight for funding.

Old Homosassa goes to Tallahassee

Senator Simpson has sponsored a bill to help out the “Homosassa River Restoration Project” and it has been funded on the Senate side.

Old Homosassa goes to Tallahassee
From the left, Steve Minguy, president of “Homosassa River Restoration Project”. Christine Stuckie, Senator Simpson, and Roger Cullen

On the House side, the bill was sponsored by Rep Ralph Massullo and has come out of subcommittee but is not yet funded.

Old Homosassa goes to Tallahassee
Representative Massullo  explains how the legislative process works.

Both Senator Simpson and Represenative Massullo have been very supportive of the projects and continue to guide the groups to get that funding.

If you are also concerned about the health of the Homosassa River, you can help out the “Homosassa River Restoration Project” by emailing the legislative assistant to Representative Carlos Trujillo, Mauricio Montiel at Representative Trujillo is the Appropriation Committee Chairman and will have a lot to say from the House side on who is included in the final budget.

Your email would be so helpful, but please be nice and make it brief. Just ask that they fund Bill 2401 and help restore the Homosassa River and help our community. You can use the “Homosassa River Restoration Project” as the subject line.

Let’s save the Homosassa River now!

Old Homosassa goes to Tallahassee

Friday Meanderings


Hummingbirds and Honey Bees.

Both good.

Both like sugar water.

When it comes to the “hummingbird” feeder, the bees win.  Does anyone know how to keep the honey bees off of the feeder?  We tried EVERY hint (that made sense) that was on the Internet. They don’t work.


Fortunately I have hummingbird bush and honeysuckle in the yard.  Until the honey bees move on, there won’t be a hummingbird feeder!

I’m off to banjo camp this weekend!  Four days this year.  My brain will be mush by the time I get back!  Well, maybe mushier than it already is!

I’m missing mermaid weekend in Cedar Key.  Bummer.  Oh, it’s also the Cedar Key Arts Festival which is my favorite art show.  Oh no, the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival is my favorite art show.

And I’m missing an open jam at the Old Mill Tavern in Homosassa.  Another bummer.

Banjo Al Day

Banjo Al passed away in a car accident in February.  The proceeds from the day will go to help out his fiance, Dee.

It’s hosted by Chuck Andrews–a good guy and great musician.

Chuck Andrews

Something else I missed out on was a trip to Tallahassee on Wednesday with the “Access to the River” and the “Homosassa River Restoration Project” groups.  I had planned on going but decided to stay and volunteer at the Old Homosassa Learning Center.  Besides.  I knew I had to drive to Tallahassee on Thursday for Banjo Camp and did I really want to do that two days in a row?

Tallahasse group

So that’s it from me today!  Hope you have a great weekend, too.

day lily
The day lilies are blooming!