Beautiful Clouds

I went out to take some pictures and it was raining!  What a surprise!

But I’m trying to look at the good side of this soggy weather–I have a very luxurious green yard, I don’t have to water it, the aquifer is filling up, and last week when we had a brief bit of sun there were these really cool clouds.  Happy Tuesday!


Rainy Days and Mondays

Another rainy weekend.  Friday’s plans for fishing were dashed when we woke up to thunderstorms which continued off and on through Sunday. Not much opportunity to get any photos, either. What to do, what to do….

So as we listened to the rain hit the skylights, we decided to settle in and continue with my zombie obsession.  Fortunately we had all 3 seasons of “Walking Dead” on our DVR so we finished watching that–for at least the second time.  Yeah, just ask me anything about how to kill a zombie.  Still raining on Saturday so headed out to catch “World War Z”.   What could be better than Brad Pitt and zombies?  Nothing. And those zombies can really run!  Now, if we only had “Dawn of the Dead” and “Shawn of the Dead” on DVD my zombie weekend would have been complete!

But I ended my weekend with real live living people.  Yvonne, Donna and Michelle all came to visit me so we could have a “girl day”.  Girl talk, lots of adult beverages, and junk food!  And Michelle brought jam!  Yeah, that beats Zombies anyday!

So it was a great weekend–rain can’t keep us down!

Mason Creek
Sunday morning the skies cleared up so we squeezed in a bike ride to the boat ramp on Mason Creek.

Mason Creek