Friday Meanderings

Mr. “Go Daddy” let me down today.  I tried to do my post and THAT’S NOT HAPPENING!  Last time I called Go Daddy about this same exact occurrence, my tech was like “oh yeah, we’re having issues, all hands on deck.”  


Just takes a couple hours and WE’RE BACK!  But, I really wanted to post two hours ago.   


Went to the very first official crime watch meeting for Old Homosassa on Monday night.  When we moved here 12 years ago I had no idea we had a drug problem right here in Old Homosassa.  That’s because I was living in a bubble.  Now I know better.  

And we had over 50 people at the meeting which I thought was very cool.  Also thought that it was very cool that at least four attendees had Old Homosassa Heritage Council t-shirts on.  (And Terry and I did not even think about wearing our t-shirts. What is wrong with us?)

The meeting started and we had a lot of great input and we had people volunteering to be neighborhood captains and we are getting crime watch signs.  After about an hour it dissolved into, why aren’t the deputies here more often?  And we heard that we only have so many deputies to cover so much of the county.  Okay.  Heard that before.

And then the next day.  While we were driving home.  A deputy does a U-turn at the post office to track down a golf cart. Really?  We have only so many deputies here.  And we have a whole lot of meth houses here.  And we’re chasing golf carts??????

Just saying.

crime watch

OKAY.  Moving on….

We went to the “Save our Waters Week” dinner on Friday night.  It was quite interesting.  Current and past county commissioners were there.  Gerry Mulligan, publisher for the Citrus Chronicle was a speaker.  I’m going to make his speech short.  We can’t continue being the cheap place to live and keep living the good life.

Gary Kuhl followed him up.  I’ve read his articles in the paper.  His speech was excellent. Same message.  

Can’t keep polluting and expect to have clean water.


Terry and I keep doing what we can.

Meanwhile, the wedding of our last unmarried child is taking place in four weeks.  I gotta lose 20 pounds! (yeah, it’s always about me!)

What do your think are the chances of that happening?  Oh, the wedding is happening but probably not the 20 pounds.  

I don’t think they’ll care!

Darin and Kathryn

Terry’s mom and friend are coming up this weekend.  We’ll be going to the “Paint and Wine” evening at Watson’s Gallery. Doing some local restaurants and other fun stuff.  Hopefully by boat!  

By the way, Scalloping season is OVER!

Have a GREAT weekend.


Friday Meanderings

scary tote

It’s Friday already!  It’s been a busy week. Which is okay ’cause I like busy.  

To all my “friends” on Facebook, I was asked to make a page for the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival.  I’m not a FB expert and sometimes it perplexes me, but I did it.  So I invited all of my local friends.  Local as in Citrus and Hernando counties.  And if you didn’t get an invite and you live local, then you’re not my FB friend.  What’s up with that? 

Speaking of the Festival, we are making all kinds of strides forward.  Almost everyone in a leadership position is new but all of the former chair people are hanging in as mentors and helping us out.  We are learning, learning, learning.  I’m not anything, just a worker bee.  Oh yeah, and I do all the webstuff.  So if you have any comments about the website,, or the Facebook page, let me know.  I’m open to positive suggestions.  Don’t give me any of that negative stuff!

Speaking of web stuff, I’m putting all of my DIY over on my other site.  I know you miss learning about easy peasy pillows and totes.  Still running the giveaway.  So far, I’ve put these two bags and tutorials up….

easy peasy tote

handy tote

And here’s a sneak peak at the fabric I’m using for the tote for this coming Tuesday!

scary tote

You KNOW you want that tote! (Michelle)

And you can WIN it!  Enter the giveaway by commenting on Tuesday’s post and you are in on the totally random raffle! Although I gotta say there is one person (and only one) that has commented every week.  She’ll win for persistence if nothing else!

So what’s going on this week????

We are attending the Save Our Water Week dinner tomorrow night.  Haven’t done this before.  Not sure if I can walk in something other than flip-flops on my feet but I’m looking forward to dressing up.  Almost like wearing a Halloween costume. (I’ll have my flip-flops tucked into my tote, for sure)

There will be a bunch of water-related activities in Citrus County next week.  I’m hoping to go to one or two. And I’ll be bringing my water-proof camera so you’ll get to see some pics!  Almost like you’re there.  Well, if you actually want to be there, go to Citrus 20/20, check it out and make reservations.

Saturday is the Homosassa River Raft Race.  The Old Homosassa Heritage Council will have a booth at MacRae’s.  Come on out and get your t-shirt and a raffle ticket for your chance to win a golf cart.  Woo-Hoo!  All the donations go to restoring the Old Homosassa Water Tower.  

Sarasota Slim is playing at 3 pm.  Definitely the best band that comes to MacRae’s.  

Wow!  So much going on!

And here’s your pic of the week of our soon to be newly-weds!  How cute are they?  OMG!  Looking forward to the wedding! FIVE WEEKS!

Kathryn and Darin

Have a great weekend!
