Last week was Treasure Hunting time here in central Florida. Starting with Renninger’s Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora. Michelle and I went in November and planned to return in February but time just slipped away. Kathryn did go without us and got a bunch of treasures. Really regret that I missed the fun.
But I tried to make up for the sadness by going to Webster’s Flea Market on President’s Day along with Michelle, William, Mia, and Terry. And I gotta tell you that place was CRAZY CAKES!
Godzilla, I was the first person to find a treasure!
Mia, William, and Michelle
Terry, me and Godzilla
So here’s what I went home with…
My Treasures, Godzilla, small porcelain terrier, and fish dish. All Two Dolla!
And why exactly are these treasures?
I pick up these little dogs all over the place. Never more than two bucks. I figure when I die and the kids are going through my stuff, they’ll be like “what the hell does mom have all these little dogs for?” and then they’ll throw them away. And it won’t matter. $2.
And Godzilla because how often do you find a Godzilla for $2?
But the best buy was the little fish dish. Cause back when I spent money nilly-willy many years ago I actually paid a wee bit more than $2 for the same line of dishes. BEST BUY! (Of course, I probably spent $50 on gas.)
And Michelle said that she spent more on food than treasures until she came across this on her way back to her truck
Another Chandelier! Where is she going to put this one? How will she finish it? Should we have another wedding with two chandeliers hanging in trees? Enquiring minds want to know!
And the rest of her treasures, bet these will featured in some blog posts!
But that’s not all. There was more treasure hunting this week! Terry and I went to the Zephryhills Winter Autofest. And it was just like another giant flea market. Kind of a Renninger’s for boys! Without the hills!
A corvette for $5,500!!!!
So we weren’t ready to buy a car on this trip, but this treasure hunt comes back in November. Gotta start saving our pennies!
Rain, rain, rain, cold, cold cold. That’s what we had Tuesday through Friday. Not your typical Florida weather. Our winters are supposed to be dry and cool. My yard and flowers were happy with the rain. But my soul was crying for some SUN!
We woke up to another damp morning on Saturday but believed in our weather guys. Sunshine was on its way. Floral City, one of my favorite little burgs here in Citrus County, had several events scheduled, so off we went!
First stop was “Grandma’s Attic” at the Floral City Heritage Hall Museum.
Floral City Heritage Hall Museum
Me, being a lover of old and used, was really looking forward to the “attic” sale but it was a bit of a disappointment. But it did entice us into the museum and that was totally worth it!
There were a lot of antique items on display (not for sale) like this cool treadle sewing machine and a very old upright piano.
The sewing machine I started on wasn’t quite this old.
There was also an interesting exhibit about Florida’s Seminole Wars which will only be there until the end of April.
Florida’s Seminole War Exhibit
There was also an exhibit about a train crash in 1956. I read every word about the head on collision between two locomotives just outside of Floral City. Two men, in a dramatic attempt to stop the collision, drove 90 mph on those limestone roads to warn the engineers but arrived too late. On one engine, the workers saw the other freight train, applied the emergency brake, braced for the ultimate collision and survived The four men on the other locomotive attempted to jump off the engine when they saw what was happening and all died.
Train Crash in 1956
The volunteers in the museum were really friendly and eager to explain all about Floral City. They obviously love and are justifiably proud of their home.
Next we stopped by the Duvall House, the oldest house in Citrus County, which is being restored with donations.
Duvall House, Oldest house in Citrus County
And on to the “Starving Artists Sale” at the Florida Artists Gallery.
Florida Artists GalleryGelatin Artist Demo
We almost walked by this demo because it was tucked into a little shed. Plus, gelatin art? What’s that? Bonnie Peterson, the artist, was very cool and her art was fun.
This is Gelatin Art! And all edible!Bonnie PetersonShe makes cakes for weddings, showers, and any occasion you can think of.
Bonnie also demos at the Crystal River Mall Westend on the second and fourth Saturday of the month. You can email her at or check out her The Jello Lady website to sign up for classes or buy her creations.
After checking out all the artists and their works displayed outside, we went into the gallery. One of the reasons I love this gallery is that there is always a pleasant ‘artist of the day’ ready to have a conversation. The art is great, priced well, and includes watercolors, photography, jewelry and other media.
This is the first time I noticed these origami cranes.
Origami Cranes by Chris RandleOrigami Crane Mobile
The gallery has a little cafe plus art lessons that you can sign up for.
Next stop was the 33rd anniversary Car Show at Chilson’s Garage which is about 3 1/2 miles south of Floral City.
If it was only pink, it would be perfect! We could get all the grandkids in this one!
Since every spot in Citrus County is close to water, Terry and I went on a hunt for the waterfront. Found it on Duvall Island. Part of the Tsala Apopka chain of lakes.
Back to Floral City through their famous ‘Avenue of Oaks’.
The Avenue of Oaks
Of course, we had to end our adventure at Shamrock Inn.
Yum, beer!We actually ordered something other than Wings!
The weather warmed up and we headed home with the top down!
We’ll be at the Strawberry Festival in Floral City on March 1st. We haven’t attended before and are looking forward to the event plus we’re taking our Brooklyn kids along. Strawberry milkshakes and shortcakes. Yum!