April 15, 2021
Thursday evening golf cart ride to see the sunset.

April 16, 2021
Friday, time to go to Crump’s Landing! We have a boat again. It’s the last skiff in the row.

April 17, 2021
Goodbye Jes and Andrew. Whiskey the kitty is somewhere in there waiting to head out.

A second pic for Saturday. I have been looking for basil. Home Depot, Color Country Nursery, Walmart. If they have it, it’s covered with fungus or half dead. I planted some in a pot and none came up–probably because the squirrels thought I put that bowl of dirt out there just so they could hide acorns. Finally. At Publix!!! And it’s so pretty and healthy.

April 18, 2021
This tree is covered with jasmine.


And the closeup!