Friday Meanderings

OHHC t-shirt


You probably know I’m not a big fan.  I joined many years ago at the urging of my children because they wanted me to know what was going on in their lives.  And most of the time I’m glad I did. (especially seeing Piper and Adley in Hawaii a few weeks ago since their parents wouldn’t take me with them as the nanny)

But after going through the slandering Terry and I both experienced in the past five months on FB without any recourse plus the politcal rantings on both sides of the aisle, I’m not on there much.

Having said that, I still go on to update a couple of the local non-profit pages. (And I can’t resist checking out what those grandkids are doing.)

And….that’s when I saw a photo on FB of Jes and me the last time we did the Gasparilla 15K together. (You know if you are on FB, they like to say remember this photo?) It must have been from Jessica’s camera because I can’t find the photo.  But I did find these!

At the convention center hanging with a pirate when we picked up our bag of stuff!

Here’s me all ready to go!

And at the run!

Gasparilla 15k


And all I could think of was “seven years ago I did a 15K?????”

What happened to me?

I don’t think either one of us looks older (other than it seems I lost all the pigment in my hair since then) but it was only seven years ago that I ran a 15 K?????

And that wasn’t just something I trained for as a one time event.  I RAN IT EVERY YEAR FOREVER!  Until six years ago!

I started running when I was about 30.  And my knees and back really hurt back then.  Even went to a doctor because my shin splints were so bad.  The doctor said, “quit running”.

Now I’m 61. I still run (not 9 miles). And my knees and back really hurt still. But no worse then 31 years ago.

Running.  So many people hate it.  But it’s been my savior.  (Along with Terry who was there for me in a really bad time) It’s my meditation.  My alone time.  My get it together time.

Okay, enough about the meanderings.

I’ve got a reveal!

So exciting!


OHHC t-shirt

Don’t tell anyone I showed this here.  Cause, the t-shirts aren’t available yet.  And, like, no one knows about it. TOP SECRET!


Just kidding.  I did the letters.  Oh, I took the picture, too.

Our friend Gil Watson did the art.  He and Wendy also gave me advice on the letters.


Just kidding, not hard when someone gives me guidance.

And Gil and Wendy are reopening their gallery TONIGHT!

And it’s the Luminary Art Walk, too.

OK, if you live anywhere near Homosassa, you need to stop by and check out their gallery.  Wendy has been hand-painting pebbles on the floor while Gil has been creating beautiful art for the Old Homosassa Heritage Council!

Gil and Wendy truly support the community.  They have given us so much.  But, gotta say, Gil this is the best artwork ever.

There are several other galleries to check out.

I personally have always wanted to live in an art destination.  Can we make my dream come true?

Next week is the “Old Homosassa Community Day”.

And I’m going to say that this was totally my idea while I was out on a run.

The Old Homosassa Heritage Council had already reserved the Homosassa Civic Center for a yard sale.

And I said, “hey kids, let’s make it bigger and better!”

And now.

I’m going for a run!

Friday Meanderings



And I’m back!

I know, I know. If I don’t post on a regular basis, I will lose my followers.

Anyone still out there?

I try to be clever here. Maybe a little funny.


You’re right. I haven’t been at all funny lately.

But. I’ve decided I’ve either gotta step up my game or get outta the game!

And I was really tempted to just shut the blog down.

But. I did get one text from one reader that wanted to know where was my Friday post? She even used a bad word (WTF)!

What?  I still have one reader! Time for the ticker tape parade!  (And what exactly is a ticker tape parade?)

So here goes with the clever repertoire!  (or just a lot of photos to make up for the lack of cleverness)


Went to Washington DC last weekend. To visit the favorite daughter and her husband. We’ve been trying to get up there so we could celebrate Christmas. Right. Christmas.

They travel for work. A lot.

And we are slightly over involved in all the local drama.

Trying to fit our schedule with theirs is difficult. The first opportunity was the weekend of the presidential inauguration. Yeah. D.C. During the inauguration. On the bright side I could have participated in the Women’s Parade. With 10 other women staying in their apartment.

So we picked this past weekend for our visit. Bought the tickets. Then realized it was Presidents Day weekend. Yeah. Here in Homosassa that’s not a big deal. But it’s a REALLY BIG deal in DC.

Georgetown. Wanted to sit at a bar on the water. No seats on the waterfront. Or anywhere. And yes, that is an ice skating rink. We did find a bar under the bridge.

Still had a great time.Drank too much.


Ate too much!


They gave us Alexa for our Christmas gift.

She’s always listening.

Just finished reading “the Handmaids Tale” and starting “1984” and “Fahrenheit 451” is up next.

She’s always listening.

On the local front….

Terry and I have been at the Learning Center at least three days a week.  The guitar lessons are going GREAT! The kids are so excited.

Also teaching sewing and creating fashions.

fashion show

Fashion show on March 11th during our first annual Old Homosassa Community Day.

9 – 5.

Yard sale put on by the Old Homosassa Heritage Council.  You can make donations on March 10th from 10 am to 7 pm.  All the money raised goes to painting the Old Homosassa Water Tower.

American Legion 166 will be have a Flag disposal and flag raising ceremony at 2 pm.

They’ll also be selling hotdogs and hamburgers.  The Homosassa Boys and Girls Club will be selling soda and water.

We’ve invited all of our local community groups to set up and pass out info.

Big day!  Be there!

And one more pic…

the view
The view on Thursday. How great is that?



Friday Meanderings

It’s Friday.

And neither Terry nor I nor the Homosassa Civic Club nor the Homosassa Learning Center made it into the Citrus Chronicle!


(But waiting for the next shoe to drop!)

And I really don’t have much to say.  And NO photos.

I thought I’d get some photos but….no.

Didn’t happen.

Been spending most of my time at the Homosassa Learning Center.  Cleaning up.  Moving things around.  Making plans. Tutoring.

Along with a whole lot of other volunteers.  It’s amazing how many local people are ready to step up!

We have so many plans for the learning center.

Four guitars were donated last year.  We have a volunteer that is willing to teach kids how to play the guitar.

How cool is that?

If you have any instruments that are just hanging in closets or under the bed, we would love you to give them to us.  We have four guitars right now.

As soon as we get four kids to sign up–free classes.  Free guitars to practice on.

How cool is that?

Another volunteer has suggested a sewing class and is ready to start teaching. And we have already had one person donate a completely unused sewing machine that’s still in the box that was never opened!  (It could be from 1950 but it’s still in the box! Could be a very valuable antique!)

How cool is that?

Another local that has a restaurant has suggested a cooking class.

How cool is that?

And we haven’t even scratched the surface!

We are here.  And we are making so many changes for the better!

I’ll have details next week!  Put March 11th on your calendar.  Cause you are going to want to be in Old Homosassa that day!  Seriously.  details. details. next week!

And maybe photos!

Have a great weekend and enjoy all that sunshine!
