Friday Meanderings

Let’s start out this week’s post with some over sharing.

I’ve had a rough summer.

First I hurt my foot while working in the yard.  Bad enough that I’m no longer walking my two to three mile daily route.  But not bad enough to actually go to see a doctor. (It’s an overuse injury—it’ll get better) But I finally gave in after ALMOST TWO MONTHS and I have an appointment next week.

Next.  The first time I actually got to swim in the new pool.  The very shallow only 5 foot deep pool.  I scraped my face on the bottom while swimming.  Lovely red rash.

Then.  Last Friday. Was swimming.  Came into the house.  Fell flat on my face.  Guess my feet were wet.  Terry said.  Are you okay?  I said no.  I have two black eyes and a broken knee.  Now, I am prone to exaggeration.  I only have one black eye.  And a bruised knee.

I kinda look like Pete the Pup in the Little Rascals.  And for you younger readers, let’s say the Target dog. (And no, I will not be taking a photo of my face to show you what I mean!)

I have been wearing very big sunglasses and lots of makeup.  Today I was shopping for some furniture and the sales person was very kind.

I know what she was thinking.  “Limp.  Red Rash.  Black eye.  This lady must have been in a serious accident.”

But kind only goes so far.  I did not get offered a discount!

Anyhow.  Terry offered to take me to lunch.  I said, let’s go to Crystal River where I won’t run into so many people that I know and have to explain all of my maladies.

So we decided to go to “The Loft”.  Because I’ve seen a lot of ads in the newspaper plus they won the reader’s choice for the best burger.   And it’s on Citrus Avenue.  Which I assumed was in the “Historic Downtown Crystal River”. Not so.  This place was WAY WAY OUT on Citrus Avenue.  I would call it more like Dunnellon.

And I sure didn’t know anyone!

The Loft
The Loft

You might think this is weird.  But I love the kind of bar where when you walk in the door and it’s really dark and you let in the light and everyone in the place turns around on their bar stools, where they have all been nursing an ice cold beer, and look at you.

To me, that means NEIGHBORHOOD bar.  A place the locals go!

The Loft

Okay.  The Loft is that kind of place.  (The Old Mill Tavern in Old Homosassa is also that kind of place—and everyone local does know my name.)

Neither Terry nor I got the award winning burger.  I went for the Chicken Ceaser wrap with homemade chips.  Terry had 10 wings—Cajun dry rub—with a side of fries.  Yum.

Chicken wings

The Loft

Oh, and I had a Corona.  And when I finished that one the server brought me another.  (And I hadn’t ordered it so I was afraid to finish that one because how many would she bring me if I kept guzzling beer????)

Terry had iced tea.  Cause someone has to drive!

The food was good.  The place was clean. (Even the ladies room)  They not only had a whole lot of different beers but also a full liquor bar.  And the service was very good.

I recommend that you find this place and have a beer.  And some food.

Yes.  I’m back into recommending restaurants and bars!

Besides the Loft, what else have I been doing?

Went to Citrus Pride with my friend Laurel last Saturday.  Met Adam York, the organizer of the event.  18-years-old and running for the Citrus County School Board.  He said that he is the first “Openly gay person running for office in Citrus County.”  Someone standing near said yes “openly gay” but their have been other gay candidates. He did an excellent job pulling Citrus County’s first Pride event together. There was an article about him in the paper the next day.  I’m really excited that young people are getting involved and want to change the status quo.  Us oldies have screwed it up enough!

In Harmony

Also, “In Harmony” performed.  That’s a dulcimer group with guitar and fiddle accompaniment. Other than the lady playing the fiddle on the left in this photo, I’ve met the rest of the group through the activities that Laurel and I have put together at the Old Homosassa Learning Center.  Terry, all the way on the right, is in the Sew Cool! Workshop.  Alfredo and Sally Pena, in the middle, are in the Homosassa Ukers and joined the Homosassa Civic Club!

So what else is going on?  Still haven’t got all the website updates done.  Thought if I paid someone to do it, then it would be simple and quick.  Not so.  Gotta get on the phone and beg for more help!

This photo is for Donna!  At first I thought I needed one of these but then realized it was bigger than the pool.  Never mind.  (Donna is my bestie that feeds my flamingo obsession)

Pet of the week
Calling this my pet of the week!

This weekend.  First.  It’s going to be hot, rainy, and humid.

Here in Old Homosassa there will be about 1000 people trying to find parking for their vehicles and boat trailers.

Once again.  The Key Club will be at the Homosassa Civic Club parking cars.  Last Sunday they only got 15 vehicles because the “local” people that were parking vehicles in their yards were not letting the kids in the queue.


You are adults.  Retired adults.

You do not need the money.

Not fair. Not right.  These kids are raising money to go to conference.

They are local kids volunteering at summer camp so the learning center can run it for FREE!  Last week we were over capacity at the camp.  22 kids.  Having a fantastic time.  And we can only run the camp because we have all these great young enthusiastic volunteers.

Hate to be a downer.


That’s the way it is.

Hey!  It’s going to be Hot! Rainy! Humid!  But we have A/C!



Have a great weekend!






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