Friday Meanderings

Last Friday I had no idea that Florida had a hurricane on the way.

And then there it was!

Usually we perch in front of the TV for at least 10 days and watch the slow and destructive approach.

Not this time.  We were a wee bit oblivious since we are crazy busy right now with working on the festival.  But Monday evening we started getting calls from the Sheriff’s department.  We were in the mandatory evacuation zone.  Get out.  Get out now.  Our house phone got at least 6 calls.  One after the other.  Our cell phones got numerous calls. Several Text messages.  Two emails.

12 foot storm surge.  Get out now! Mandatory evacuation.

Meanwhile we turned on the TV and saw our favorite weather guy say 4 to 6 feet. Our house is at 8 feet.  We have a generator.  Several jars of peanut butter.  I filled up all of our containers with water.  We can use the pool water to flush the toilet.

We did not evacuate.  Nor did many of our neighbors. And we probably got a 2 foot storm surge.

Streets were flooded.

Here’s some prime water front property for sale!
Our street.

If I was in Panama City watching the news reports and knew that there was a Cat 4 on it’s way, I would have also been on my way.

So I guess my point is.  This should have been a “voluntary evacuation”.   We have lived in the south since 1982.  We know about hurricanes. Most of the full time residents here also know about hurricanes.  If I lived in a mobile home or RV, I would have voluntarily evacuated. My neighbors that live in modular homes left.  My neighbors that have houses that are built high and sturdy stayed.

And here we are at the highest high tide.

The floating kayak dock on the left is a whole lot higher than the stationary dock with the boat.  (Those sand trails are not from moles, we just put a new irrigation system in! Part of the whole pool construction progress that will probably extend until next year!)

We didn’t even get any yard debris.  Nor enough rain to water my plants that are in pots. And didn’t lose power anywhere in Old Homosassa! Thank you to WREC and Duke energy!

Also thank you to all the Sheriff’s Deputies that patrolled Old Homosassa.

Okay.  Getting off of my soap box.

My heart goes out to all those in Hurricane Michael’s path.  The devastation is unbelievable.



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