Friday Meanderings

And it’s Friday again.

And we are way deep into the holiday season.  Right?

Tonight is the Homosassa Civic Club Christmas Party.  We have a “white elephant” gift exchange.  Unlike most places, our gifts have to be something you already own and do not want.  (Can’t be a live creature!) Okay.  Sounds weird but it is HILARIOUS.  One year the sought after gift was a stuffed cat.  Last year it was a man-kini.  Think about it.  Looking forward to what no one wants this year!

Then Saturday is our Christmas for the Homosassa Children Party. We are expecting a big bunch of kids this year.  It’s a lot of fun and the kids get a great gift, a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, crafts, and more sugary treats than anyone should be allowed to consume!

Last night Terry and I attended the Homosassa River Alliance Meeting.  I usually try to wiggle out of this meeting.  (So tired, I’ve been at the learning center all day….) but this time I wanted to attend because they were talking about the time-table for the septic tank replacement.  Looks like we are scheduled for something like 2025.  Surprised we were on the agenda at all.  But the really amazing thing was that the head waters, also known as the Blue Waters, isn’t scheduled until 2028.  The Homosassa River Restoration Project is supposed to start REALLY SOON at the head waters and one of the things that is causing the pollution is the septic tanks.  Seems kind of wrong that the crap will still be seeping while the project is taking place!  Crazy Cakes! Looks to me like someone else has their own agenda!

Back to fun times.  Homosassa Christmas Boat Parade is Saturday night.  This is always a great time.  Except this year Crystal River is having their boat parade the same night!  Whaaat!

 I could be wrong….but I don’t think these parades have ever been the same night.  Wondering if the brilliant minds that set these up are trying to shut down the Homosassa Boat Parade.  They shut down our raft race.  That’s held in Crystal River now.  And I suspect that these same brilliant minds are trying to shut down the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival.  A few years ago they set up the Dragon Boat Competition for the same weekend.  Not a big deal at first.  But now it’s turned into a 3-day Arts and Crafts event.  I don’t get it.  Why is the Chamber of Commerce competing against Old Homosassa?  Yes.  It’s the Chamber of Commerce that is sponsoring the other events.  Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

Maybe I’m just being a bit paranoid.

Or maybe, something is not quite right…..

Have a great weekend!


1 thought on “Friday Meanderings”

  1. I heard William Toney just got elected to the Citrus County Chamber of Comerse by Josh Wooton . So maybe he can look into why Crystal River Chamber of Comerse is doind what it is doing ?
    Not sure if William can help but you never know if you do not speak up to him.


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