Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Whenever I tell anyone that I’m going to North Dakota during the winter season, I get these incredulous looks–Are you crazy?  No, I’m not.  First, it’s not as bad as you think and I have the necessary “sleeping bag” coat and fluffy boots, plus Alan and Lauri keep the house cozy warm and they have remote starts on their vehicles so they are always comfy.  Second–we get to see some of our kids and grandkids.  Totally worth it!  And it didn’t hurt that we were blessed with a week of sunshine and daytime temps in the 40s – upper 50s.  Not bad.  It didn’t get chilly until Thanksgiving. And we left the next day.

Speaking of Thanksgiving.  I’ve got a few pics for you.  Promise, this is the last bunch of family-oriented photos that I’ll post for a few weeks.

Besides our gang descending on them, Alan and Lauri also invited Lauri’s parents, brother, his girlfriend, and two more small people for Thanksgiving.  14 adults.  4 kids.  Fun!  They have a huge heated shop which we put to use.  Prep in the house.  Dining in the shop. Friday morning brought every couch filled with a sleeping body plus kids on a air mattress on the floor.  Only for a short while though because Lauri and Ashley were off for Black Friday madness!

Following Michelle’s instructions from last Wednesday: , we made a huge turkey, Alan smoked a turkey, and Marcy brought a ham.  Everyone had a side or some part of the preparation.  Dinner was followed by poker and ping pong.  Rumour has it that there were a few people in the hot tub, too.

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style

Thanksgiving, North Dakota Style


Cookie Day, North Dakota Style

We’ve been on the road.  Even Maggie.  We flew to North Dakota for Alan and Lauri’s  wedding reception and hung around for Thanksgiving.  Jes and Andrew also made the trip from Brooklyn.  Eight days of family fun! I did a few posts from there but since I only have my iPad when I travel, anything posted on the road is short and sweet!

Seemed only right to do some Christmas cookie baking while we were there–Cookie Day, North Dakota StyleCookie Day has been a special annual event for me and a bunch of my friends and family for over 20 years.  Here’s a link to cookie days past: Our Cookie Day is not just an exchange.  The bakers actually bring the ingredients, mix up the cookies, and bake that day.  Along with consuming many adult beverages and the most delicious appetizers ever, it’s the most wonderful day of the year!

Since Lauri had not yet been introduced to Cookie Day and Jes was AWOL last year and won’t make it to Florida the rest of this year, we decided to have two Cookie Days!  One in ND, one in FL. (Florida Cookie Day is a few weeks away!) There can never be too many Cookie Days! We also invited the men to join us since it was too cold to throw them outside.  That would just be mean!  Besides, not too many golf courses are open in Mandan, ND in November!

Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Started the morning cookie baking session with Bloody Marys in smurf glasses. There are always many adult beverages consumed on Cookie Day!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Alan didn’t make cookies but did create a yummy appetizer.
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Slaving over a hot mixer.
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Lauri, Riley and Alan.  I do believe that coffee in Lauri’s hand is spiked with Bailey’s!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Barb and Lauri discussing world issues. Barb’s glass of wine is empty!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
That’s got to be Andrew’s beer!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Andrew whipped up some mean oatmeal raisin cookies!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Ang watching the cookie bakers. Baby it’s cold outside!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Maybe Lauri should have waited to have the Bailey’s until after she made her cookies!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Terry declared that he was the official cookie taster.
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Riley was Cookie Judge. Totally biased. He didn’t pick mine!
Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
Our junior taster!


Cookie Day, North Dakota Style
All the Cookie Day Bakers, North Dakota Style. Andrew, Jes, me, Barb and Lauri. Now Lauri and Barb have to carry on the tradition!



Happy Thanksgiving

Oh yes, this is totally us today.  Me in an apron.  Terry and Maggie waiting at the table.  Oh no, that’s a little boy.  Must be Riley.  Pulled this graphic from the Graphics Fairy, one of the many useful blogs that I follow.