2018 Luminary Art Walk

I gotta tell you about the Luminary Art Walk.  I think this was the best art walk yet!  Even though there weren’t as many stops which is kinda sad. (Jim Anderson owner of the Museum Cafe and Printing Shop Museum was ill and the Watsons Art Gallery moved) The shops that were open were crazy busy!

We started out at Old Mill Tavern. That’s kind of what we do.  A tradition?  Or just a normal Friday night.  We stop in.  Dinner with whoever else is there. Sometimes we have to eat at the bar.  Other times there are friends with a few seats open.  And that’s what we had Friday night.  Room for me and Terry at the cool kids table!

Then we all headed out on our golf carts for the art galleries! (cause all the cool kids have golf carts)

When our little slow moving convoy turned the corner, I was amazed at how many cars were parked around the art galleries.  And people.  People everywhere!

We did stop at the Museum Cafe first and that’s when we found out that Jim has been down.  Flu?  Hope he is okay.  Next stop was…..


That’s Lantz McMullen entertaining the guests.  He’s the guitar teacher at the Old Homosassa Learning Center.  Does it for free. (He’s playing for free, too!)

Lantz McMullen

He thinks I’m funny!  (Or maybe he just thinks I’m crazy and it would be best if he just laughed along!)

2018 Luminary Art Walk

There’s copper artist Kevin Jenkins.  Driftwood artist Mark Arnett was there too.  Love the driftwood and copper art. Hope to have a piece in my house someday.  (Hey, Kevin, you hear that?)

2018 Luminary Art Walk

Next stop was the Pepper Creek Pottery and Glass Garage

There’s Christine, making sure Terry knows where to go!  Oh wait, that’s when she was explaining why our friends were howling.  Full moon!  Of course!  Perfectly good reason to howl!

2018 Luminary Art Walk

There were some potters outside displaying their work. (That’s Kathy and Mo–both members of the Homosassa Civic Club)

2018 Luminary Art Walk

I didn’t get any snaps inside the Pepper Creek Pottery gallery.  I don’t know why.  I was there a long time talking to Captain Martha Sue and Angie!

Glass Gallery is right next door.

2018 Luminary Art Walk

2018 Luminary Art Walk

I spotted this fused glass piece on the wall.  Pretty!

2018 Luminary Art Walk

And then saw this one!

2018 Luminary Art Walk

You will be MINE!  I didn’t buy it that night just in case someone that wasn’t local wanted it.  The glass artist told me if she sold it she would make me another one.  Yes.  Both Louise and Lori will custom make glass art on request.  And I’ve made that request when I’ve been buying gifts.  Never bought anything for myself but that blue bowl belongs in my house!

It was great fun.  Talked to some of the artists and they said it was the best turnout ever!

Yeah for art in Old Homosassa!  My dream of an art colony is coming true!

Friday Meanderings

Good Day!

I haven’t been home much over the past few weeks.  Busy Busy Busy.  By the time I get home in the evening, all I want is a glass of wine. (or 2 or 3 or 4)

But I have been taking snaps.  With my iPhone.

Friday Meanderings
Went to the Ozello Chili Cook off and stopped at BackWater Fins for a bowl of blue crab chowder. (it it the BEST chowder ever!) Thought the license number on this boat was kinda clever!
Granddaughter Courtney is on a hockey team and skates at the same ice rink that the Women’s Olympic team trains at.
Courtney will be 16 in September!!!!!!
Friday Meanderings
Customers at Seagrass Restaurant gave the Old Homosassa Learning Center six ukuleles for the kids to take home and practice! Here are 3 of the boys being rock stars!
The weather has been SUPER! We’ve been outside at the OHLC. Basketball!
Friday Meanderings
Friday Meanderings
Hula Hoops!
Friday Meanderings
Maggie was surprised to see me home. What are you doing here???
Friday Meanderings
Just a couple snaps of the view Thursday evening.

And finally some damn squirrels pics.  They suddenly set off the squirrel alarm.  (If you live with squirrels, you know what that is)  They were all pretending to be statues while the alarm sounded.  Usually it means there is an owl, hawk, or cat in the yard.  I couldn’t spot anything.

Friday Meanderings
Freeze tag!

Did find two huge squirrel nests in the trees.

squrrel nest

Their hi pitched squeals went on for awhile. Then I realized that the news was on and they had just heard about Putin’s new nuclear weapons and saw the rendering on TV of the bombs dropping on Tampa Bay.  So this was the new squirrel NUCLEAR alarm drill.  No owls, cats, or hawks.  Just practicing.

Luminary Art Walk tonight.  Shrimpapalooza on the 24th.  Old Homosassa Community Day on April 7th.

Did you read my posting on NatureCoaster.com?

Have a great weekend!


Friday Meanderings

Spring is busting out all over here on the Nature Coast.

This is Bridal Wreath Spirea.  (At least I think that’s what it is) I’ve never planted it because it only has flowers for a few weeks and then looks like a scraggly bush the rest of the year.  This year it’s everywhere!  Just blooming like crazy all along the roads and paths.

My white azaleas are the same way.  Never have they been so beautiful.  I’m just guessing, but maybe these bushes needed that cold snap back in December to produce such lush flowers.

Pics from the Hood

How about the Olympics?  I love the Winter version.  Any sport where the participants have to wear shiny pointy weapons on their feet and go really fast has gotta be fun to watch!  And then there’s curling.  And skiing.  Okay.  I could go on and on.

“Cocktail Hour for the Tower” was a huge success.  And a lot of fun.  Now we can turn our full attention to the 2nd Annual Old Homosassa Community Day on April 7th.  If you want a booth it’s only $20!!! What a deal!

Next event in Old Homosassa is the 18th Annual Luminary Art Walk on Friday, March 2nd.  We always try to make it to the art walk.  Lots of fun.

Okay, that’s it for me!

Have a great weekend!
