I’m Back!

I took a bit of a vacation. Kind of got overwhelmed with too much busyness.

I’ve been trying to get my life in order, categorized and organized and prioritized.

I quit writing for the NatureCoaster.com. It didn’t take all that much time to write there a few times a month but I had to start eliminating somewhere. I took a month off from my DIY blog, too.

Went to Phoenix for four days to visit family.

Went to North Dakota for the oldest grandson’s graduation. Stayed there for two weeks.

North Dakota Family

This pic is a wee bit blurry. Teach to me to hand my camera to a total stranger! Should have given him my iPhone. Everyone knows how to use a smart phone for capturing life’s important moments!


Anyhow….. I’m home for awhile. Recuperating from the travels. Need to catch up in my yard. Lots of weeds growing along with all the pretties.

Speaking of….

I add butterfly host plants in with the flowers. Mostly parsley because it’s easy to grow from seed and was delighted to find some swallowtail caterpillars on these….

swallowtail caterpillars

Dill is another host plant and I usually do not have much luck with it but this year I had about three plants that popped up. And those were also being devoured by caterpillars…

swallowtail caterpillars

I have a lot of parsley and as I was wondering how the dill could possibly feed all these hungry caterpillars a red wasp swooped down and ate one. Later that afternoon I checked and there was only one left.

There goes my lovely bunch of swallowtails. Circle of life.

1 thought on “I’m Back!”

  1. Kathy, I missed you! Kept checking in to see if you were back early:-). Glad you got your batteries recharged.

    Best wishes,


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