It’s Friday!

And another rainy weekend!

Some pics from a moment that it wasn’t raining…

The view
the veiw

My yard is definitely loving the rain. All the flowers are “lush”. As are the weeds because it hasn’t stopped raining long enough to pull them.

Peace lilies

Piper and I went to see the latest Godzilla movie right after it was released. And you ask how was it? It was Godzilla. It was big. Lots of campy looking monsters. Or Titans as they are now called. Only disappointment was that there were no Mothra ladies singing to raise her from her slumbers. I have been a Godzilla fan since my youth and my poor children sat through many an afternoon watching old black and white movies with me. “Mothra……” Had to introduce my granddaughter to the tradition. In 3D, no less. Go Go Godzilla.


I’ve been “organizing” the Old Homosassa Learning Center for a couple of years now. I don’t run it. Or teach. (I do volunteer) I organize. I reach out to the community and say…..What do you want? We now have yoga, body sculpting, and Zumba. Two sessions a week for each class. 5 bucks a class which goes to the instructor. Ukulele and sewing programs–both free. Also have a great after-school enrichment program for kids from the area and a very robust summer camp. Everything for the kids is no charge.

The learning center was formerly a fire station. We have painted the floors numerous times. Where the fire engines sat, the paint does not stick. And the floors always looked dirty.

Old Homosassa Learning Center

After all of these successful programs, I finally convinced the board and the members of the civic club that it was time to invest some money into the building.


Old Homosassa Learning Center

One final note, The Save the Homosassa River Alliance had a meeting last night at the learning center. Two members of DEP spoke.


I’m guessing these guys are used to getting stupid irrelevant questions at their speaking engagements. And they answered pretty well. Considering that DEP and the local water district and FWC and every other state or county organization duties overlap and it’s a bit difficult to figure out which agency to go to.

But I found it quite amazing, that after two years of a powerful campaign by the Homosassa River Alliance to stop people from dumping their scallop shells in the “Blue Water” of the Homosassa River, these guys were clueless about the effort. The first time they had seen one of the brochures. Had no idea that there were mounds of scallop shells covering the bottom of that area and stopping the grasses from growing because sunshine can not get beyond the shells.

Off the soapbox….

Have a great weekend!



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